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What can you gain from a Business and Professional English 25+ course?

Our Business and Professional English Course 25+ is perfect for experienced business professionals. When you finish the course you will be more confident when communicating in business environments. Especially where English is the preferred language.  

Our Holland Park Gardens Centre is open for face-to-face training and welcomes new participants every week. You will learn with the help of experienced trainers and immerse yourself in British culture, life and language.  

You can choose to study either part-time or full-time and in a mix of group lessons and one-to-one sessions, depending on your personal needs. Groups are small, often with four to six participants. 

Our teachers are able to adapt the course and reference materials to the needs of each group.  

Let’s take a look at six things you will gain from enrolling on a Business and Professional English 25+ course: 

You will improve your use of language 

The course will help you communicate more effectively in international business environments. You will learn appropriate vocabulary and language to use, including grammar and register. Both will help you understand the nuances of language used in different contexts. 

Take the two sentences below: 

  • How many years do you work for your company (can be understood, but incorrect)
  • How long have you worked for your company (good use of English grammar) 

‘Register’ refers to the degree of formality appropriate for certain situations, such as when building relationships and during business meetings. 

  • Hi mate, how’re you doin? (this is fine if you already know each other)
  • How do you do? I’m very pleased to meet you (this is more suitable for business) 

You will learn functional and situational language required for specific circumstances. For example, one of your lessons might involve understanding the language essential for chairing a meeting. This would cover the language needed for intervening, interrupting and presenting an opinion. 

Practice makes perfect. You will have regular opportunities to put what you have learnt into practice. For example, by taking part in a simulated business meeting. 

Your teachers will use these exercises to provide value-added feedback. This will involve correcting or amending the language you have used. They will also offer suggestions for how you can improve the way you communicate.  

Learn how to network and make friends 

When meeting someone for the first time we often ask them what they ‘do’, or about their job. Being able to clearly tell people what you do is very helpful when networking and when establishing a business relationship.  

You will learn the appropriate language and communication skills to help you network when English is not your first language. An essential skill when working in international business.  

Group members often form a close bond with the people on their course, becoming more like a team than a group of individuals. Developing a sense of camaraderie, or a sense of togetherness, in such a short space of time is a good experience for taking into the business world. 

Learn about other business cultures 

One of the strengths of the course is the diversity of the people you will meet. You will learn more than the English language. Each group will have people from a mix of different countries. They will have different personalities, business practices, cultural norms, opinions and insights.  

You will question any assumptions you have about how businesses operate around the world. For example, how should we behave in a meeting? Is there a correct way to behave? Can you interrupt, is it rude to disagree or speak too much? Of course, it depends on where in the world you come from.   

Experiencing these differences creates a certain level of self-awareness, as well as an awareness of how others see you and how you see others. The course will help you navigate these differences and find ways to overcome them. You will be able to use these experiences when you return home.  

Learn how to adapt your communication 

You will learn how to adapt your language to communicate more effectively with people from different countries. The course will also give you the knowledge and skills to adapt your language to different business areas. 

You will learn to use vocabulary that would prove helpful when talking about: 

  • Functional business areas, such as HR, sales, finance and IT. 
  • Business concepts, such as change, crisis, artificial intelligence, decision-making, problem-solving, project management and conflict.
  • Running (chairing) and participating in meetings and what kind of language you need to be able to do so effectively.
  • Key business skills, including negotiating, giving presentations and business writing (emails, report writing). 

You will gain practical experience 

The London School of English provides a very experiential way of learning a language. Throughout the course, you will have opportunities to role-play real-world activities. You might be asked to manage conflict using appropriate language or hold simulated business meetings.  

Other activities involve meeting, planning, decision-making, problem-solving, persuading people to do something, sharing information and presenting. All tasks that you might need to use English for when you have left the course. 

Gain confidence 

Confidence is vital when learning a language. The London School of English offers a safe, supportive and encouraging learning environment.  Everyone in your group is there to learn and will be supporting and encouraging each other.  

You will have an active role in the course. As a business expert, your skills and experiences will be used to generate course content. Your teacher is there to help you communicate more effectively and confidently.  


Find out more:  


[email protected] 



    Adapt (verb): To change something to make it suitable for a new situation or purpose.

    (verb): Making minor changes to improve or update something.

    (adjective): Suitable or right for a particular situation.

    Artificial intelligence
    (noun): Computer systems performing tasks that normally require human intelligence.

    (noun): Things accepted as true without proof.

    (noun): Knowledge or understanding of a situation or fact.

    (noun): A connection or link between people or things.

    (noun): Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. (C2 level words in definition: mutual, trust, friendship)

    (noun): The conditions or facts that affect a situation.

    (noun): Ideas or principles understood in the mind. (C2 level words in definition: principles)

    (noun): The belief that you can do something well or succeed.

    (adverb): In a way that shows belief in oneself.

    (noun): A serious disagreement or argument.

    (adjective): Satisfied with what one has or is doing.

    (noun): The situations that surround an event or idea.

    (verb): To fix something that is wrong or inaccurate.

    (noun): A time of intense difficulty or danger.

    (noun): Including people from different backgrounds.

    (adverb): In a way that produces the desired result.

    (verb): To set up or create something.

    (noun): Information used for improvement, often based on reactions to something.

    (noun): The management of money and assets.

    First language
    (noun): The language learned from birth.

    (adjective): Designed to be practical and useful. (C2 level words in definition: practical)

    (verb): To produce or create something.

    (noun): Notions about the correct use of a language. (C2 level words in definition: notions)

    (noun): Single persons, as opposed to groups.

    (noun): Deep understanding of something.

    (verb): Becoming involved to influence a situation.

    Look at
    (phrasal verb): To examine or observe something.

    (noun): The process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

    (noun): A group or system of interconnected people or things.

    (verb): Trying to reach an agreement through discussion.

    (noun): Interacting with others to exchange information and develop contacts.

    (noun): Standard or expected patterns of behaviour.

    (noun): A subtle difference in meaning, expression, or sound. (C2 level words in definition: subtle)

    (verb): To successfully deal with or gain control over something difficult.

    (noun): People involved in an activity or event.

    (verb): Taking part in an activity or event.

    (noun): The unique combination of qualities that make up an individual.

    (adjective): Concerned with real-world use rather than theory. (C2 level words in definition: real-world, theory)

    (verb): Introducing or offering something for consideration.

    (noun): People engaged or qualified in a profession.

    (noun): The way a word is said.

    (noun): Mention or citation of a source of information.

    Refers to
    (phrasal verb): To mention or speak about something or someone.

    (noun): The degree of formality appropriate for certain situations. (C2 level words in definition: formality, appropriate)

    (noun): A person's essential being that sets them apart from others.

    (verb): Imitate the appearance or character of something, role-play. (C2 level words in definition: imitate, character)

    (adjective): Precise and clearly defined.

    (noun): Good or beneficial qualities of a person or thing.

    (adjective): Providing encouragement or emotional help.

    Talking about
    (phrasal verb): Discussing or mentioning a particular subject.

    (noun): Pieces of work to be done.

    (adverb): In or to every part of something.

    (adjective): Absolutely essential or necessary.

    (noun): The words used in a particular subject or activity.

About The London School of English

The London School of English has over 100 years of history teaching English and communication skills to adult learners. It is the joint #1 English language school in the UK according to the British Council inspections, the highest rated English language school in the world on Trustpilot, and the best value for money school according The English Language Gazette. 

Our practical, individualised approach enables our clients to learn effectively and make rapid progress. Courses include General English, Individual English training, Legal English, Business and Professional English, IELTS preparation and Academic English. We also offer bespoke business solutions for staff training and assessment. 

You can learn English with our expert trainers in our London centre at 15 Holland Park Gardens, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, or you can choose to study English online in groups or in individual classes. 

Contact us online or via phone +44 (0) 207 605 4142.

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