Learn French
Times and prices
- Group classes run once a week from 6pm to 8pm for 6 or 7 weeks (depending on the term)
- Individual Tuition to learn at your own pace £60 per hour
- 6-week course (12 hours): £195
- 7-week course (14 hours): £225
- Intensive 6-week (24 hours): £390
Take a look
- It's one of the official languages of the United Nations, the European Union, and various other international organizations. Proficiency in French can be an asset for a career in international relations, politics, or diplomacy.
- If you know or have an interest in other Romance languages like, Knowing French will also improve your understanding of Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.
- It’s an official language in 29 countries, making it the fifth most spoken language in the world. Learning French can open opportunities for communication and cultural exchange on a global scale.
- It can greatly enhance your travel experience, as it allows you to communicate with locals and immerse yourself in the culture.
Need to know:
- You need to be 18+ years old to apply
- We use a course book as main guidance for our classes. The course book varies according to the level. Check what you need on the Course Books page.
- We issue a certificate of attendance upon request.
- In case a class needs to be cancelled the recovery class will happen on a Friday of the same term, usually on the same week as the cancelled class.
- For how to book Individual Tuition please check Fees and Offers .

French Course Outline and Levels
Before enrolling on a course read the level outline below and look for the one that best aligns with your current skills and requirements. Remember, there is no perfect level.
Click on the level to explore:
- Prerequisite knowledge needed to enrol in that specific course level.
- What you can expect to achieve through the course.
- The cultural insights and aspects you'll gain.
- A1.0
To join the French level A1.0 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Introduce yourself (name, age, date of birth, nationality, phone number, residency, job)
- Asking for basic information someone else (name, age, spoken language, birthday, phone number)
- Introduce a friend
- Say what you like and dislike
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Greatings (salut, bonjour, au revoir…)
- Difference between masculine and feminine words
- Present tense of the regular verbs ending in -er
- Full present tense of the irregular verbs être and avoir
- Negativ form (ne...pas)
- Most common nationalities
- Most area of interests (musique, cinéma, sport ...)
- Numbers (1-100)
- Months of the year
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- What does it mean to address formally somenone in French? Difference between tu and vous
- Way to say the French phone numbers in France
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 1 of Mon Alter Ego 1 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A1.1
To join the French level A1.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Greetings (salut, bonjour, au revoir…)
- Difference between masculine and feminine words
- Present tense of the regular verbs ending in-er
- Negative form (ne...pas)
- Most common nationalities
- Most areas of interest (musique, cinéma, sport ...)
- Numbers (1-100)
- The months of the year
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Introduce yourself (name, age, spoken language, birthday, phone number)
- Asking for basic information from someone else
- Introduce a friend
- Say what you like and dislike
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about your reasons for learning French
- Talk about opportunities to learn French in the Uk and abroad
- Asking and answering personal information (name, occupation, nationality...)
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Countries with the rule of masculine and feminine form
- Prepositions before the countries
- Full present tense of regular verbs ending in -ger
- Full present tense of irregular verb apprendre and venir
- Masculin and feminine of the most common occupations
- Days of the week + moments of the day (matin, après-midi...)
- Main activities you do in your freetime
- Interrogative pronouns quel/quelle, qui, où, quand, pourquoi
- Numbers from 100
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- The Alliance Française net all around the world
- The week of the francophone countries
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 2 of Mon Alter Ego 1 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A1.2
To join the French level A1.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Masculine and feminine forms of nationalities and jobs
- Prepositions before the countries
- Full present tense of regular verbs ending in -ger and -er
- Full present tense of irregular verbs être, avoir, apprendre, venir
- Days of the week and months
- Main activities you do in your freetime and areas of interest (musique, cinéma, sport ...)
- Interrogative pronouns quel/quelle, qui, où, quand, pourquoi
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about your reasons for learning French
- Asking and answering personal information (name, nationality, age, birthday, occupation, spoken language, phone number
- Introduce a friend
- Say what you like and dislike
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Say main rooms and equipments of accommodation
- Talk about main characterictics of a city
- Talk about someone’s physical characteristics and personnality
- Ask and give directions in a city
- Speak about your hobbies
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Definite and indefinite articles
- Adjectives agreement and positions in phrase
- Prepositions before a place
- Demonstratives ce, cet and cette
- Places in a city
- Rooms of accomodation
- Difference between c’est and il/elle est
- Most areas of hobbies
- Full present tense of the irregular verbs faire and aller + preposition
- Verb jouer with preposition de or à
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Large cities in France
- Fête des Lumières in Lyon
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 3 + Unit 4 lesson 1 of Mon Alter Ego 1 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A1.3
To join the French level A1.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Definite and indefinite articles
- Prepositions before places
- Demonstratives ce, cet and cette
- Difference between c’est and il/elle est
- Most areas of hobbies and interest (musique, cinéma, sport ...)
- Months of the year, days of the week + moments of the day (matin, après-midi...)
- Numbers
- Full present tense of regular verbs ending in -er and irregular verbs être and avoir
- Full present tense of the irregular verbs faire and aller + preposition
- Verb jouer with preposition de or à
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Say what you like and dislike
- Speak about your hobbies
- Ask and answer personal information
- talk about main characterictics of a city
- talk about someone’s physical characteristics and personality
- Ask and give directions in a city
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Introduce your family and/or your friends
- Announce/react to a recent family event (wedding, birth, etc.)
- Tell the time
- Make an appointement at work
- Speak about your daily routine
- Make rules to work/live in groups
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Possessives (mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes...)
- Consolidation masculin, feminin and plural forms of adjectives
- Recent past and near future
- The hours + prepositions
- Full present tense of modal verbs pouvoir, devoir and vouloir
- Full present tense of irregular verbs dormir, partir and sortir
- Most area of reflexive verbs
- Negative form with infinitive verbs
- Obligation with il faut
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Sociological trend of French family
- Daily routines of French people
- Intergenerational cohabitation
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the lessons 2 and 3 of unit 4 and the whole of unit 5 of Mon Alter Ego 1 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A1.4
To join the French level A1.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Definite and indefinite articles
- Adjectives agreement
- Prepositions before places
- Places in a city
- Difference between c’est and il/elle est
- Most areas of hobbies and interests
- The hours + prepositions
- Full present tense of regular verbs ending in -er
- Full present tense of modal verbs pouvoir, devoir, vouloir
- Most area of reflexive verbs
- Obligation with il faut
- Time indicator (avant, après, pendant)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- talk about main characterictics of a city
- talk about someone’s physical characteristics and personality
- speak about what you do in your free time
- tell the time
- make an appointement
- speak about your daily routine
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Speak about a country you like
- Suggest some activities to do during holiday
- Share a past experience
- Talk about the weather
- Say the cloths you need on holiday
- Say what you are afraid of and what you would like
- Speak about your food habits
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Most area of weather and seasons
- Full imperative of regular verbs
- Most area of food and clothing
- most area of outdoor activities
- Introduction passé composé
- Time indicator to speak about something which happened
- Avoir envie de / peur de (feel like sth / afraid of sth)
- Partitives (du, de la, de l')
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Regions in France
- Famous places in France
- dairy products in France
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 6 and the lesson 1 of 7 of Mon Alter Ego 1 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A1.5
To join the French level A1.5 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Rooms of accommodation
- Definite, indefinite articles and partitives
- Avoir envie de / peur de (feel like sth / afraid of sth)
- Most area of food
- Full imperative of regular verbs
- Most area of clothing
- Most area of outdoor activities
- Some knowledge of passé composé
- Time indicator to speak about something which happened
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Say main rooms and equipments of accommodation
- Suggest some activities to do during holiday
- Say what you are afraid of and what you would like
- Speak about your food habits
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Describe your accomodation (rooms, equipment, etc.)
- Descibe your symptoms when you are ill
- Make recommendations
- Say a recipe
- Invite someone and accept/decline invitation
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Lexis of equipment
- Colors
- Body parts
- Chunks to express pain and sensation
- Full imperative of irregular verbs être and avoir and reflexive verbs
- Expressions for quantity
- Main area of actions and kitchen ustensils to cook
- Direct pronouns le, la, les
- Indirect pronouns me, te, nous, vous
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- French cooking and Flexitarianism in France
- Famous celebrations in France
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover lessons 2 and 3 of unit 7 and the lessons 1 to 3 of Unit 8 of Mon Alter Ego 1 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material
- A2.0 (Upper-Elementary)
To join the French level A2.0 (Upper-Elementary) course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Adjectives agreement and positions in phrase
- Difference between c’est and il/elle est
- Most areas of hobbies and interest
- Main activities you do in your freetime and areas of interest (musique, cinéma, sport ...)
- Most area of passé composé
- Definite, indefinite articles and partitives
- Direct pronouns le, la, les and direct and undirect pronouns me, te, nous, vous
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Say what you like and dislike
- Speak about your hobbies
- Ask and answer personal information
- Talk about someone’s physical characteristics and personality
- Share a past experience
- Speak about your food habits
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- speak about your relationship with your friends
- Speak about change of communication
- Describe food products
- Describe an object
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Difference between direct and indirect pronouns
- Imparfait
- Negation ne... plus and ne...que
- Time indicator to compare a situation in the past and in the present
- Lexis of communication and digital technologies
- Adjectives qualifying food products
- Adverbs to quantify (bien, assez, pas trop...)
- Relative clauses que and qui
- Lexis to describe an object ( form, dimensions, weight...)
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Using smartphone in France
- School in France
- Consumer trends in France
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the lessons 1 and 2 of unit 1, the lesson 1 and 2 of unit 2 of Mon Alter Ego 2 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A2.1
To join the French level A2.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Difference between direct and indirect pronouns
- Most area of passé composé
- Imparfait
- Lexis of communication and digital technologies
- Adjectives qualifying food products
- Relative clauses que and qui
- Lexis to describe an object ( form, dimensions, weight...)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Say what you like and dislike
- Speak about your hobbies
- Ask and answer personal information
- Talk about someone’s physical characteristics and personality
- Share a past experience
- Speak about your food habits
- Say the cloths you need
- Describe city and accommodation
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about a past anecdote
- Describe cloths and make comment
- Compare 2 accomodations
- Say places you prefer to live
- Make rules for cohabitation
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Revision passé composé
- Difference between passé composé and imparfait
- Form, pattern, material of cloth
- Comparatives plus que/de, moins que/de, autant que/de
- Conditionnal si + présent
- Relative clause où
- Impersonal phrases with infinive
- Adjectives and pronouns tout(e), tous, toutes
- Interrogative pronouns lequel, laquel, lesquel(le)s
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- The different regions in France
- French peoples' accommodation
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the lesson 3 of unit 1, the lesson 3 of unit 2 and the whole of unit 3 of Mon Alter Ego 2 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A2.2
To join the French level A2.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Present tense, passé composé and imparfait, near future
- Comparatives plus que/de, moins que/de, autant que/de
- Conditionnal si + présent
- Full present tenses of modal verbs vouloir, pouvoir, devoir + savoir and connaître
- Lexis of food
- Relative clauses que and qui
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about a past anecdote
- Say what you are going to do during week-end or holiday
- Express a wish (I want...)
- Order in a restaurant
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Give a job description
- Speak about skills, strenghts and motivation for a job
- Give advice to someone to find a job
- Compare restaurants
- Ask information in restaurant and comment on meals
- Give your opinion about film or TV shows
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Difference between verbs savoir and connaître
- Simple future tense
- Time markers il y a, pendant, depuis
- Revision passé composé and imparfait
- Full present conditionnal of the verbs vouloir and aimer to express a wish
- Use of quand and si to speak about the future
- Difference between très and beaucoup
- Lexis of films and TV shows
- Revision relative clauses que/qui and introduction relative clause à qui
- Agreement past participal with complement
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Studying and working in France
- Types of restaurant in France
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 4 and the lessons 1 and 2 of unit 5 of Mon Alter Ego 2 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A2.3
To join the French level A2.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Time markers il y a, pendant, depuis
- Pronoun y
- Difference passé composé and imparfait
- Full present tense of most irregular verbs
- Lexis on adjectives to describe a country/city
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- say an anecdote
- speak about your holiday
- describe a city
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Speak about a cultural event
- Suggest a place to visit
- Plan a trip
- Speak about challenge in your freetime
- Speak about recent news
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- More time markers (dans, jusqu'à)
- Full present tenses of verbs ending in -aindre and -eindre
- Différence between pronouns y and en
- Si + imparfait for suggestion
- Lexis on landscape
- Gerund
- Verbs + preposition à or de
- Plus-que-parfait
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Cultural places in the city of Lille
- The French Antilles and their carnival
- Hiking in France
- French public channels
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the lesson 3 of unit 5 the whole of unit 6 and the lessons 1 of unit 7 of Mon Alter Ego 2 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- A2.4
To join the French level A2.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Interrogative pronouns
- Comparatives plus que/de, moins que/de, autant que/de
- Possessives mon/ma/mes...
- Lexis of sport and hobbies, films and TV shows
- Passé composé, imparfait and plus-que-parfait
- Definite and indefinite articles
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Speak about hobbies and outdoor activities
- Introduce your family
- Give your opinion about film or TV shows
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Speak about sport news
- Speak about books
- Tell a family story
- Compare life nowaday and now
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Reported speech present
- Lexis of sport competition
- Formal and informal questions
- Superlatives
- Possessives le mien/la mienne/les miens/les miennes...
- Indefinites articles plusieurs, quelques, certain(e)s...
- Connectors cause and consequence
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Sport practice in France
- History of 20th century in France
- France in the European Union
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the lesson 2 and 3 of unit 7 the whole of unit 8 of Mon Alter Ego 2 by Hachette. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- B1.0 (Upper Pre-Intermediate)
To join the French level B1.0 (Upper Pre-Intermediate) course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Indicative tenses : present, passé composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait, near future, simple future
- Basic lexis of hobbies, sport, travelling films, book
- Interrogative pronouns to ask questions
- Main area of time markers
- Il faut + infinitive
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Introduce yourself (personnal information, hobbies...)
- Speak about family, friendship, love...
- Speak about news, sport, travelling, tv shows, books...
- Tell a story in the past
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Speak about a family event
- Talk about relationship with your family, friendship and love
- Express necessity and obligation
- Speak about living together and ecology
- Express your feeling
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Revision passé composé, imparfait and plus-que-parfait
- Lexis of relationship and love
- Revision time markers il y a, depuis, pour, pendant, ca fait...que
- Formal, informal and standard questions
- Introduction subjonctive with Il faut
- Lexis of living together
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Modern parenting in France
- Real TV in Quebec
- Benches of friendship in Switzerland
- Community value in Senegal
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 1 and 2 of Edito 3 by Didier. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- B1.1
To join the French level B1.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Main area of films, TV shows, music, litterature and food
- Indicative tenses : present, passé composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait, near future, simple future
- Some adverbs for cause and consequence
- Some indefinite pronouns (certains, quelques...)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about TV shows, film, litterature...
- Speak about travelling
- Speak about restaurant and cooking
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Convince someone to see/listen a show/ an exhibition
- Talk about unreal situations
- Introduce, describe a piece of art that you like
- Speak about learning a foreign language and living abroad
- Speak about traditionnal meals
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Present conditional
- Lexis of shows and arts
- More phrases for cause and consequence
- Lexis of food
- Negative phrases (ne... rien, ne personne, ne...pas... ni...)
- Idioms
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Festival of Francophone countries
- Francophone rap
- Cooking in Francophone countries
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 3 and 4 of Edito 3 by Didier. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- B1.2
To join the French level B1.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- past tenses (passé composé, imparfait, plus-que parfait)
- some time markers (la semaine dernière, le mois prochain...)
- some phrases to give your opinion (eg. je pense que, je crois que...)
- relative clauses que and qui
- gerond
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Describe a place
- Speak about your experiences (holiday, study...)
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Speak about living in a city
- Speak about organising a trip
- Express your opinion on topics like accomodation issues, environnemental policies or consumerism
- Talk about study
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Passive voice
- Part of speech noun/adjective
- Irregular adjectives
- Lexis of city and travelling
- More time markers
- Consolidation of passé composé, imparfait and plus-que-parfait
- relative clauses qui, que, dont and où
- consolidation of gerond
- prepositions and adverbs of place
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Gentrification in Montreal
- Promoting Francophone countries on Instagram
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 5, 6 and 7 of Edito 3 by Didier. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- B1.3
To join the French level B1.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Phrases to give your opinion (ex: je pense que, je crois que...)
- Some lexis of consumerism, transport and job interview
- All indicative tenses
- Il faut + subjonctive
- Present conditionnal
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Express your opinion on different topics such as consumerism or ecology
- Ask and answer questions for a job interview
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Say how to consume better
- Speak about handicraft
- Express your opinion about transport and delivery
- Speak about job interview
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Opposition and concession
- Lexis of consumerism, economy and labour market
- Express your doubt or opinion using indicative or subjonctive
- Condionnal to express hypothesis with imparfait and present conditionnal
- Parts of speech adjective / adverb
- Anteriority, simultaneity and posteriority
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Handicraft trend
- Commitment in society
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 8 and 9 of Edito 3 by Didier. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
- B1.4
To join the French level B1.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- express your doubt or opinion using indicative or subjonctive
- reported speech present
- relative clauses qui, que, dont and où
- present and past conditionnal
- comparatives
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Speak about different social issues
- Say hypothesis
- Compare different things or people
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Speak about sportive event, videogames, games and emerging technologies
- Speak about social networks
- Describe your ideal society
- Speak about voting
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Reported speech present and past tenses
- Relative clauses with préposition (auquel, à laquelle...)
- Present and past conditionnal for uncertain information
- Exceptions of comparatives
- Lexis on games, technological innovation, success and citizenship
- Phrases with 2 pronouns
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Boardgames in France
- Humor in France
- French women who changed the society
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 10, 11 and 12 of Edito 3 by Didier. The course book will be the basis of the class but your trainer will also use other material.
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