Learn Italian
Times and prices
- Group classes run once a week from 6pm to 8pm for 6 or 7 weeks (depending on the term)
- Individual Tuition to learn at your own pace £60 per hour
- 6-week course (12 hours): £195
- 7-week course (14 hours): £225
- Intensive 6-week (24 hours): £390
Take a look
- Italy is a popular tourist destination with the highest number of World Heritage sites in the world. It is known for its beautiful landscapes, historic cities, and delicious cuisine. Enhance your travel experience by communicating with locals and fully immerse yourself in the local culture.
- If you know or have an interest in other Romance languages like, Knowing Italian will also improve your understanding of Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian.
- Italian is spoken in several places around the world such as Malta, Istria, Dalmatia, Corsica, Slovenia, Australia and South America.
Need to know:
- You need to be 18+ years old to apply
- We use a course book as main guidance for our classes. The course book varies according to the level. Check what you need on the Course Books page.
- We issue a certificate of attendance upon request.
- In case a class needs to be cancelled the recovery class will happen on a Friday of the same term, usually on the same week as the cancelled class.
- For how to book Individual Tuition please check Fees and Offers.

Italian Course Outline and Levels
Before enrolling on a course read the level outline below and look for the one that best aligns with your current skills and requirements. Remember, there is no perfect level.
Click on the level to explore:
- Prerequisite knowledge needed to enrol in that specific course level.
- What you can expect to achieve through the course.
- The cultural insights and aspects you'll gain.
- A1.0
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Introduce yourself (name, age, nationality, residency, job)
- Asking for basic information to someone else (name, age, nationality, residency, job)
- Introduce a friend
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Difference between masculine and feminine words
- Full present tense of the irregular verbs essere and avere
- Present tense of the regular verbs ending in -are (only singular forms io, tu, lui and lei)
- Present tense of the irregular verbs stare and fare (only singular forms io, tu, lui and lei)
- Numbers (1-100)
- Most common nationalities
- Most common jobs (dottore, avvocato, insegnante ...)
- Greetings (ciao, buongiorno, arrivederci …)
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- The appropriate way to greet an Italian and be greeted by one
- Generic notions about Italy as a country
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of units 1 and 2 from Nuovo Espresso 1 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A1.1
To join the Italian level A1.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Full present tense of the irregular verbs essere and avere
- Present tense of the regular verbs ending in -are (only singular forms io, tu, lui and lei)
- Present tense of the irregular verbs stare and fare (only singular forms io, tu, lui and lei)
- Numbers (1-100)
- Most common nationalities
- Most common jobs (dottore, avvocato, insegnante ...)
- Greetings (ciao, buongiorno, arrivederci …)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Introduce yourself (name, age, nationality, residency, job)
- Asking for basic information someone else (name, age, nationality, residency, job)
- Introduce a friend
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Book a table
- Order foods and drinks at bars and restaurants
- Ask for something missing on your table,
- Ask for the bill
- Talk about free time activities, hobbies and sport
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Singular and plural definite articles (il, la, gli …)
- Indefinite articles (un, una ...)
- Full present tense of regular verbs ending in –are / - ere / -ire
- Full present tense of irregular verbs andare, fare, and stare
- Plural of nouns
- Verb mancare (only first person)
- Most common food and drinks
- Free time activities
- Days of the week
- Adverb of frequency (often, never …)
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Different places where Italians eat different food style
- How an Italian menu is organised and food Italian traditions
- Most visited Italian cities and their point of interest
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of unit 3 and part of Unit 4 from Nuovo Espresso 1 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A1.2
To join the Italian level A1.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Difference between masculine and femminine words in singular and plural
- Singular and plural definite articles (il, la, gli …)
- Indefinite articles (un, una ...)
- Full present tense of regular verbs ending in –are / - ere / -ire
- Full present tense of irregular verbs andare, fare, stare, essere and avere
- Free time activities
- Adverb of frequency (often, never …)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Book a table and order food and drinks
- Talk about free time activities, hobbies and sport.
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Express likes and dislikes
- Tell the time
- Book an hotel room and ask for information
- Make a complaint or a request in hotel
- Ask and tell the opening and closing time of a shop, museum etc
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Main rooms of the house
- Tell the date
- Cardinal numbers above 100 and ordinal numbers
- The use of the verb piacere for the first 2 persons singular
- The use of the verb "esserci" to express existence/presence
- Prepositions "da - a" to express time
- Compound prepositions (a, da, in + article)
- Present tense of the irregular verb venire, sapere
- Present tense of the modal verbs
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Tips, invoice and tourist tax at hotels
- Italian saying and the use of the word "piazza"
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover part of Units 4 and 6 and the whole of Unit 5 from Nuovo Espresso 1 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion
- A1.3
To join the Italian level A1.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Cardinal numbers above 100 and ordinal numbers
- The use of the verb piacere for the first two persons singular
- The use of the verb "esserci" to express existence/presence
- Compound prepositions (dallo, alla, nel, etc.)
- Present tense of regular and main irregular verbs included modal verbs (potere, dovere, volere)
- Definite and indefinite articles
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Express likes and dislikes
- Tell the time
- Talk about free time
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Ask and give directions in the street
- Talk about your past holidays
- Talk about the weather forecast
- Give a generic description of a city
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Adverbs of position (davanti, dietro etc.)
- Use of the past tense "passato prossimo"
- Main irregular verbs in the past participle
- Expressions of time
- The use of "qualche"
- Absolute superlative
- Adjective agreement
- Partitive article in plural
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Holidays destinations
- Holidays habits
- Italian monuments and points of interest
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover part of Unit 6 and the whole of Unit 7 from Nuovo Espresso 1 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A1.4
To join the Italian level A1.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Adverbs of position (davanti, dietro etc.)
- Use of the past tense "passato prossimo" with main irregulars verbs
- Compound prepositions (alla, dallo, nel...)
- Absolute superlative (bellissimo)
- Use of verb piacere
- Adjective agreement
- Partitive article in plural (delle, degli, dei)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- talk about free time
- Talk about your past holidays
- express likes and dislikes
- Give a generic description of a city
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about your daily routine
- Make wishes for anniversaries and recurring holidays
- Talk about ones family
- Describe pictures and images
- Express possess
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Reflexive verbs in present and passato prossimo
- Adverbs of time and frequency
- use of possessives
- The relative superlative
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Festivities in Italy and typical presents
- Weddings
- Some Italian gestures
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of the Units 9 and 10 from Nuovo Espresso 1 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A1.5
To join the Italian level A1.5 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Use of the present tense and the past tense "Passato prossimo"
- Compound prepositions (dallo, alla, etc)
- Possessives (my, yours etc.)
- Adjective agreement
- Reflexive verbs in present and passato prossimo
- Basic use of superlatives (il più bello, molto bello, bellissimo)
- Family members
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about your daily routine
- Talk about past events
- Talk about ones family
- Express likes and dislikes
- Express possess
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about your eating habits
- Grocery shopping
- Read or give recipe
- Express concept with an impersonal form (one does...)
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Food quantities (tin, can, bag, pack, kilos ...)
- seasons
- Partitive article in singular
- direct object pronouns
- impersonal construction of the verb
- use of the particle "ne partitivo"
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
Italian typical food habits and products
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Unit 8 from Nuovo Espresso 1 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A2.0 (Upper-Elementary)
To join the Italian level A2.0 (Upper-Elementary) course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Conjugation of regular and irregular verbs in present tense and passato prossimo
- Basic knowledge of direct object pronouns and particle ne partitivo
- Conjugation of reflexive verbs
- Use of the verb piacere
- Adjective agreement
- Compound preposition (allo, dalla, nel, sui, etc.)
- Possessives (mio, tuo, etc.)
- food
- free time activities
- family members
- city places and adjectives related to city
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Introduce yourself
- Order at restaurants and bars
- Book a room at an hotel
- Talk about free time
- Talk about past events such as holidays
- Give a generic description of a city
- Tell the time
- Go for grocery shop
- Talk about one's family
- Talk about daily routine
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Generically describe someone’s physical appearance and personality
- Describe events that are happening right now
- Invite someone out
- Accept or refuse an invitation and make a counterproposal
- Respect Italian politeness netiquette in public places
- Express strong dislike and annoyance
- Ask information about public events
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Passato prossimo of verbs cominciare/iniziare and finire
- Comparative (as)
- passato prossimo and direct pronouns
- Relative pronouns
- Position of the direct pronouns with infinitive verbs
- Pronominal verbs: averci, farcela, andarsene
- Present continuous
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Most common places for a night out
- Famous figures in Italian culture
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Unit 4 and part of unit 3 from Nuovo Espresso 2 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A2.1
To join the Italian level A2.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Passato prossimo and its irregulars
- Direct pronouns with passato prossimo and infinitive verbs
- Particle "ne partitivo"
- Relative pronoun (che, cui)
- Pronominal verbs: averci, andarsene
- Present continuous
- Reflexive verbs
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about past events such as holidays
- Describe events that are happening right now
- Invite someone out
- Give a generic description of a cities or people
- Talk about one's family
- Talk about daily routine
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about one’s childhood
- Talk about pets
- Describing habits and memories in the past
- Describing people, places, situations and feelings in the past
- Talk about travels and show interest
- Ask for travel information
- Describe how long it takes to do an action
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Verbs in imperfetto
- The forms -ino and -one
- Differentiate between the use of passato prossimo and imperfetto
- The particle ci locativo
- Use of the verb volere in the imperfetto
- Different meaning of verbs sapere and conoscere according to the tense used, passato prossimo or imperfetto
- Verb volerci
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Typical Italian saying that use animals
- Ferragosto, a typical Italian holiday
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Units 2 and 5 from Nuovo Espresso 2 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A2.2
To join the Italian level A2.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Verbs in imperfetto and passato prossimo
- Differentiate between the use of passato prossimo and imperfetto
- The particles ci locativo and ne partitivo
- Direct pronouns with passato prossimo
- Present continuous
- Reflexive verbs
- Relative pronoun (che, cui)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about childhood
- Talk about past events and travels
- Describing habits and memories in the past
- Ask for information
- Describe events that are happening right now
- Give a generic description of a cities or people
- Talk about one's family
- Talk about daily routine
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Buying clothes in Italy
- Describing items of clothing
- Ask/Give advice
- Give orders
- Make comparisons
- Describe food taste
- Express an opinion
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Colours and cloths materials
- Indirect pronouns
- The affirmative form of the tense imperativo informale (tu) for regular and irregular verbs
- The negative form of the imperativo informale (tu)
- All the irregular forms of the adjectives quello and bello
- Introduction to comparatives
- The verb servire
- The position of the pronoun with informal imperative (tu)
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Shopping in Italy
- Colours meaning
- Most famous traditions
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Units 1 and 6 from Nuovo Espresso 2 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A2.3
To join the Italian level A2.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Colours
- Direct and Indirect pronouns
- Regular and irregular verbs in Imperativo informale (tu)
- The position of the pronoun with informal imperative (tu)
- Verbs in imperfetto and passato prossimo
- Relative pronoun (che, cui)
- The particles ci locativo and ne partitivo
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Ask/Give advice
- Give orders
- Make comparisons
- Talk about past events and travels
- Talk about one's family
- Talk about daily routine
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about health problems
- Describe symptoms and ask or give advice on health
- Talk about sport and give advice on physical activities
- Make a polite request, a proposition or an hypothesis
- Express a desire
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Formal imperative (affirmative, negative, regular and irregular)
- The position of the pronoun with formal imperative
- Irregular comparative and superlative
- Nouns with irregular plural
- Conjugation and use of condizionale presente tense
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Italians' relationship with their health
- Italian sport
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Unit 7 and part of unit 3 from Nuovo Espresso 2 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- A2.4
To join the Italian level A2.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Formal and informal imperativo (affirmative, negative, regular and irregular)
- The position of the pronoun with imperativo
- Irregular comparative and superlative
- Direct and Indirect pronouns
- Conjugation and use of condizionale presente tense
- Choice in the use between imperfetto and passato prossimo
- The particles ci locativo and ne partitivo
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about health problems
- Give and ask for advice
- Make a polite request, a proposition or an hypothesis
- Express a desire
- Make comparisons
- Talk about past events and travels
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Looking for jobs and know the basis to take an interview
- Express desires or intentions using future tense
- Describe what one is about to do
- Make simple hypothetical sentences
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- "If clause" of 1st type (hypothesis about reality)
- The pronominal verb metterci
- Formal pronouns la and le
- Construction stare per + infinitive
- The construction bisogna to express need in an impersonal way
- Conjugation and uses of futuro presente
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Common jobs in Italy
- Rules for a first date with an Italian
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Units 8 and 9 from Nuovo Espresso 2 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- B1.0 (Upper Pre-Intermediate)
To join the Italian level B1.0 (Upper Pre-Intermediate) course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Conjugation and uses of the following tenses: passato prossimo, imperfetto, formal and informal imperative, condizionale and futuro presente, presente continuato
- Direct and Indirect pronouns and their position in a sentence
- Regular and irregular comparative and superlative
- Relative pronoun (che, cui)
- The particles ci locativo and ne partitivo
- "If clause" of 1st type (hypothesis about reality)
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Invite someone out
- Talk about past events, family and daily routine
- Ask/Give advice
- Make comparisons
- Make a polite request, a proposition or an hypothesis
- Express a desire or intentions
- Make simple hypothetical sentences
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Describing your house and compare it with other houses
- Express necessity and desires
- Express agreement/disagreement
- Talk about learning a language and cultural differences
- Express or ask for an opinion
- Ask someone to lend you something
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Conjugation and use of congiuntivo presente of regular verbs.
- Conjugation of congiuntivo presente of irregular verbs: essere, avere, fare, andare, uscire, venire, volere
- Conjugation and use of trapassato prossimo
- Negative prefix -in
- Impersonal expressions + congiuntivo
- Compound pronouns
- Expression prima di + infinitive
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Italian houses
- Italian around the world
- Cultural misunderstandings
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Unit 10 from Nuovo Espresso 2 by Alma and the whole of Unit 1 from Nuovo Espresso 3 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- B1.1
To join the Italian level B1.1 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Conjugation and use of congiuntivo presente
- Conjugation and use of condizionale presente
- Conjugation and use of trapassato prossimo
- Basic knowledge of compound pronouns
- "If clause" of 1st type (hypothesis about reality)
- The particles ci locativo and ne partitivo
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about past events, family and daily routine
- Express necessity and desires
- express agreement/disagreement
- Ask/Give advice
- express or ask for an opinion
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Describe what is like to live in your city with pros and cons
- Describe your favourite spots in a city and your must go
- Talk about the more renown Italian products
- describing an object (material, shape, size, use…)
- Talk about the positive aspects of being of your nationality
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Revision of combined pronouns
- Conjugation and use of Condizionale Passato
- A few pronominal verbs (farcela, spuntarla, metterci, piantarla, tenerci)
- More uses of Ci and ne
- Conjugation and use of Congiuntivo Passato
- Expressions può darsi, ho paura che, a patto che, purché, a condizione che followed by congiuntivo
- The suffix -accio
- city life vocabulary
- Tense agreement with subjunctive
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- The "made in Italy" brand
- Good things about being Italian
- Distinctive Italian cities
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Units 2 and 3 from Nuovo Espresso 3 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- B1.2
To join the Italian level B1.2 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Use and form of combined pronouns
- Conjugation and use of Condizionale presente and passato
- Conjugation and use of trapassato prossimo
- All uses of Ci and ne
- Conjugation and use of Congiuntivo presente and passato
- Expressions followed by subjunctive
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about pros and cons on a subject
- describing an object (material, shape, size, use…)
- Express necessity and desires
- Build basic if clauses
- express agreement/disagreement
- Ask/Give advice
- express or ask for an opinion
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about ways of communications and social media
- Talk about your reading habits and favourite novels
- Talk about the plot of a book or movie or TV series
- Recommend books, movies and TV series
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Conjugation and use of congiuntivo imperfetto
- come se + congiuntivo imperfetto
- Indirect speech introduced by verbs in present tense
- Expression che io sappia
- The passive form with essere and venire
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- The biggest Italian literature of the last 100 years
- Typical Italian expressions over the phone
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Units 4 and 5 from Nuovo Espresso 3 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- B1.3
To join the Italian level B1.3 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Conjugation and use of congiuntivo presente, passato and imperfetto
- Indirect speech introduced by verbs in present tense
- The passive form with essere and venire
- Use and form of combined pronouns
- Conjugation and use of Condizionale presente and passato
- Expressions followed by subjunctive
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Talk about your reading habits
- Tell a plot and recommend a book, Movie or TV show
- Talk about pros and cons on a subject
- Build basic if clauses
- express or ask for an opinion
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Talk about holiday traditions (Italian and non), describe and discuss them
- Talking about an awkward and embarrassing situation
- Using complex conditional sentences
- Talking about your personality
- Prepare and run an interview
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- ype-2 if clauses expressing possibility with congiuntivo imperfetto
- The adverb mica
- Use of condizionale passato to talk about an event that should have happened
- Use of the gerund form as stand-alone tense
- Position of pronouns with the gerund
- Adjectives in -bile
- Impersonal third person plural
- Si dice che / Dicono che + subjunctive
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- The tradition of gelato
- Italian history figures
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Units 7 and 8 from Nuovo Espresso 3 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
- B1.4
To join the Italian level B1.4 course, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of the following:
Grammar / Vocabulary:
- Type-2 if clauses expressing possibility with congiuntivo imperfetto
- Conjugation and use of Condizionale presente and passato
- Expressions followed by subjunctive
- Conjugation and use of congiuntivo presente, passato and imperfetto
- The passive form with essere and venire
- Basic use of Indirect speech with verbs in present tense
Topics/Communicative Functions:
- Using complex conditional sentences
- Talking about an awkward and embarrassing situation
- Talking about your personality
- Talk about pros and cons on a subject
- Build if clauses to describe real and possible situations
- express or ask for an opinion
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Describe thoroughly landscapes and cities
- Give recommendations
- Talk about places of outstanding natural beauty that deserve protection
- Express opinions on the importance of rules
- Speculate on what could have happened had we not…(using type-3 if clauses)
You will learn to use the following grammar/vocabulary:
- Indirect speech introduced by a verb in the past tense
- Use an indirect way of asking questions
- The passive form with andare
- Conjugation and use of congiuntivo trapassato
- Type-3 of if clauses referring to past events and expressing impossibility
You will cover the following cultural aspects:
- Typical language mistakes made by Italians
- Discover less known Italian cities and regions
Coursebook Units
The teacher will cover the whole of Units 9 and 10 from Nuovo Espresso 3 by Alma. The course book will be integrated with extra material at the teacher's discretion.
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