How to speak grill - the essential barbecue glossary

Mmm...BBQ. If just thinking about barbecue brings a smile to your face, this glossary is a must-read for you.
Indulge your passion in all things barbecue by learning to hold forth on an international level with some barbecue bravado. Our glossary covers all the essential terms you will need to speak fluent grill this summer (or year, depending on how hardcore you are!).
Barbecue Basics
Any self-respecting barbecue expert should be familiar with the following equipment:
• Fork
• Tongs
• Spatula
• Scraper
• Skewers
• Basting brush/grill brush
• Steak thermometer
• Gloves
• Apron
Barbecue types
As far as the equipment is concerned, there are two basic types:
• Gas barbecue
• Charcoal barbecue
What type are you?
When it comes to the person manning the barbecue, you get to decide what type of griller you are. This is usually one of the highpoints of barbecue bravado and self-proclaimed barbecue titles commonly include:
• Classic griller
• Grill innovator
• Grill expert
• Griller extraordinaire
Key words for boasting about your barbecue equipment
• Quality
• Performance
• Value
• Durability
• Proven success
Bonus points
For bonus points as a barbecue expert, you need to be able to describe your meat properly. Have a look at this diagram of pork cuts for clarification and for some additional vocabulary.
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