Test your HR English

Do you command English well enough to operate efficiently in an international environment? We’ve put together a list of 10 basic HR words that you should know if your business language is English or if you need to deal with international staff.
10 Essential HR Words
1. Arbetstillstånd
2. Avdragsgillt
3. Firmatecknare
4. Friskvård
5. Förmåner
6. Handläggare
7. Högsta chef
8. Jämna födelsedagar
9. Klämdagar
10. Ledighet
Unsure of the answers?
Register for “Boost your HR English” which we run in partnership with Sveriges HR förening http://sverigeshrforening.se/U...
If you would like to see the complete list of answers, please send your email address to [email protected] marked #HREnglish and we will be pleased to forward this to you.
Confident of all the answers?
Very good! Look out for more essential HR vocabulary in upcoming posts. You can also follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook for useful tips to improve your business English.
The London School of English offers high quality English language training for motivated adults from all professional backgrounds. We give you the tools and skills you need to communicate successfully in your field of expertise and to expand your business and career opportunities. Call us on +46 8 5999 4000 or email us at [email protected] for more information about our tailored tuition or simply take our online test to check your English level.